January 7th, 2015

This year we are sharing room with Hanss Acoustics, The Lotus Group, PranaWire and KR Audio. The combination is real great and sound sublime if we may say that ourselves.
Here is the full specification of everything in the room:
Marten Coltrane Tenor Loudspeaker
Hanss T-60 Belt Driven Turntable
Hanss Equipment Rack
Durand Talea II Tonearm
Ortofon Winfeld Cartridge
KR Audio P130 Pre Amplifier w/MC Phono
KR Audio VA910 Mono Block Amplifiers
Oyaide MTB-6 R-1 Power Distribution
Acoustic Revive RTP-2 Ultimate Power Distribution
Langerton MCB amp stands
All cables from PranaWire
Welcome to have a listen in Venetian suite 29-132

Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Acoustic Revive, CES 2015, Coltrane Tenor, Consumer Electronics Show, Durand, Hanss, HiFi Show, KR Audio, Langerton, Las Vegas, Ortofon, Oyaide, PranaWire, The Venetian | No Comments »
February 18th, 2014
There are a good few show reports from CES out there, we start with linking you to Dagogo:
the tour de force Marten Supreme II system driven by Pass Xs series electronics which was clearly and by a rather wide margin the best sound I heard.
Two other knockouts were Neemi Jarvi conducting Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and Gina Bachauer playing Beethoven’s Second Piano Concerto on a Mercury recording. In both instances, spatial information was excellent with good depth, imaging and soundstage. The sound of both piano and violin was also very natural. I wish that I had the resources to own a pair.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show
Tags CES 2014, Las Vegas, Show report, The Venetian | No Comments »
January 9th, 2014
It took a while but finally we could find a moment to post this. All of the diffusors were delivered at midnight the night before the show so the room wasn’t ready until just a couple of hours before the show opened! Such a great feeling to do the final touches after so much hard and stressful work.

The Coltrane Supreme 2 really sound absolutely fantastic.

All together with the rest of the coolest stuff:
Starting off with:

This is what came so late but it was worth the wait. SMT‘s amazing diffusor/reflection ceiling.

MSB Diamond Dac and UMT Plus

As all of us main exhibitors (Marten. Jorma Design and SMT) are Swedish we gave the entrance a slight Swedish feel with birch trunks.

Dan Meinwald doing his thing
We’ll be back tomorrow, cheers!
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Accuton, Bergmann Audio, Ceramic Drivers, CES, CES 2014, Coltrane, Coltrane Supreme 2, HiFi Show, International CES, Jorma Design, Jorma Design Statement, Las Vegas, Marten, Pass Labs, SMT, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik, Sweden, The Venetian | No Comments »
January 7th, 2013
The view from our room at the Venetian Las Vegas.

Yes, we’re here yet again for high end audio, fun and of course lots of music. Please come and see us in room 29229 if you’re in the area. The show starts on Tuesday but our room is almost ready so maybe we have time for some relaxing. We’ll show you more tomorrow.
Filed in HiFi Show, Travel
Tags CES 2013, Coltrane Tenor, Django L, HiFi Show, International CES, Las Vegas, Nagra, Speakers, The Venetian | 3 Comments »
January 13th, 2012

The weather is always lovely under the painted ceiling at the Venetian:)
Here’s some more stuff from our floor.

Bright red electronics from Oracle Audio.
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Filed in HiFi Show, Travel
Tags CES 2012, Consumer Electronics Show, Dan Meinwald, Django, E.A.R. Yoshino, HiFi Show, International CES, Kondo, Lansche Audio, Las Vegas, Martin Logan, Oracle Audio, Prima Luna, SAEM Energy, Speakers, stone crab, The Venetian | No Comments »
January 10th, 2012

Back at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas for CES 2012. Marten have been exhibiting for more than a decade at CES and every year is more fun than the previous. We have now opened the doors to the Marten room and the show is already busy.
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Filed in Django, HiFi Show, M•Amp, M•Furniture, Travel
Tags CES 2012, Django, HiFi Show, International CES, Las Vegas, Marten, MSB Technology, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik, The Venetian | No Comments »
January 7th, 2012

Hello U.S.A.

Here we are again in glimmering Las Vegas preparing for CES 2012. We have a feeling this years show will be cooler than ever with all the attention the Djangos already have had.
Also, we really hope you all had nice holidays and, Happy New Year:)
See you soon.
Filed in HiFi Show, Travel
Tags CES, CES 2012, Consumer Electronics Show, Django, HiFi Show, International CES, Las Vegas, Marten, Speakers, The Venetian, Trump Tower | No Comments »
February 10th, 2011

Since CES 2011 we have received a lot of attention at different places around the internet. Here are some of the mentions we’ve had:
“The system looked and sounded truly wonderful, and both amps and speakers are well worth checking out.”
Alan Sircom at The Absolute Sound
“At last year’s CES, many of my favorite rooms featured Sweden’s Marten speakers. The same held true this year.”
Thank you for the music:) Erick Lichte, at stereophile
“So, how did it sound? Simply put, it was outstanding, highly detailed, very transparent and musical at the same time.”
Key Kim at Stereotimes
“Another Swedish company making an excellent impression was Marten“
the Audio Beat
“This was one of the few rooms to treat the room, and it contributed to an intimate, stimulating demonstration.”
“Uber bass resolution.”
Audio Federation
“Sweden’s Marten is well-regarded for its high-end speakers and takes a fair amount of pride in their audiophile-pleasing performance.”
Paul Ridden at Gizmag
A massive thank you to all of you, from all of us here at Marten.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, M•Amp, News, Reviews
Tags Audio Federation, CES 2011, Coltrane 2, Dagogo.com, Gizmag, HiFi Show, International CES, Las Vegas, M•Amp, M•Amp Mono Power Amplifier, Marten, Speakers, stereophile, Stereotimes, The Absolute Sound, the Audio Beat, The Venetian | No Comments »
February 8th, 2011
from CES.
We received a lot of attention for our brilliant diffusors from Svanå Miljöteknik in Sweden.

Apparently there's a famous building in the background but we keep the focus on more important things:)
These diffusors are the nicest looking ones that I have ever seen. They are normally rather colossal with the WAF factor on a bare minimum.
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Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, News
Tags CES 2011, Coltrane 2, Las Vegas, Svanå MiljöTeknik, Svanå Miljöteknik Diffusors, The Venetian | 2 Comments »
January 19th, 2011
The last day of the CES 2011 we took some time to check out the posher suites upstairs from us. We bumped in to lovely Neli from Audio Federation. It’s very ‘enthusiasing’ to meet people so enthusiastic about audio.

Neli and Leif
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Filed in HiFi Show, News
Tags Audio Federation, Audio Power Labs, Boulder, CES 2011, Consumer Electronics Show, Dan D'Agostino, DaVinci Audio Labs, EmmLabs, International CES, Las Vegas, Marten, Octave electronics, PassLabs, Pen Audio, Sony, Speakers, The Venetian | 2 Comments »