February 7th, 2017

We will show our Mingus Quintet as well as Jorma Design cables. We will aslo premiere our Supreme Sessions on vinyl as well as MSB electronics, Analog Domain, Gigawatt, Whest Audio and NAT.
Please come and have a listen! We will be in the Gripsholm A room at Sheraton Stockholm, 18 – 19 February.
Filed in HiFi Show, Mingus, Travel
Tags Analog Domain, Gigawatt, Jorma Design, Marten, Mingus Quintet, MSB, NAT, Sheraton Stockholm, Sweden, Whest Audio | No Comments »
November 13th, 2015
If you’re around the Gothenburg area next weekend we will have a demo at Akkelis Audio 20-21 November. We will show the mighty Coltrane 3, MSB digital, Analog Domain pre-amp as well as Whest Audio RIAA.
You are welcome to join us for a musical weekend at Akkelis Audio’s brand new premises on Von Utfallsgatan 1, 415 05 Gothenburg, Sweden.

Filed in Coltrane
Tags Akkelis Audio, Analog Domain, Coltrane 3, Gothenburg, MSB, Sweden, Whest Audio | No Comments »
September 25th, 2014
There’s been a lot of words written about modern Scandinavian music, mainly because it’s known to be fresh electronic pop that has its own sound. Those words has not been written in High End audio publications previously since the sound quality hasn’t been anywhere near good enough. They might sound good in a club or in headphones but that’s about it. Improve your listening experience with the Best wireless earbuds of this year.
Now, things are changing. If you have a listen to Gothenburg band Little Dragon’s latest album ‘Nabuma Rubberband’ you’ll find amazing sounding music with real high quality. Yukimi Nagano‘s voice sound crystal clear agains the deep electronic tones.

Röyksopp Robyn – Do It Again
Norwegian pop duo Röyksopp and Swedish pop artist Robyn have also recently released an EP called ‘Do It Again‘ together that has a rich, detailed and great sounding electronic production.
So, if you’re in to pop but find it hard to discover music that sounds good on your own system you should give these guys a chance. Also, comment if you have any other suggestions that you think would belong here.
If anyone knows Little Dragon you should tell them to pop in considering they’re in Gothenburg as well:) We have Coltrane Supreme 2 set up now in the big Svanå level 3 listening room and ‘Nabuma Rubberband’ sound absolutely amazing. Official invite to Little Dragon! Contact on: info@marten.se +44 31 20 72 00
Filed in Coltrane, Music
Tags diffusor.com, Do It Again, Electronic music, Little Dragon, Marco Van Rijt, Nabuma Rubberband, Norway, Pop, Pop music, Robyn, Röyksopp, Scandinavia, Svanå Miljö Teknik, Sweden, Yukimi Nagano | No Comments »
September 20th, 2014

The weekend is finally here and we’re for some good music. And some good sounds of course. The Coltrane Supreme 2 system has been playing non stop since yesterday and no one seem to tire of finding new songs to play.
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Filed in Coltrane, Demo, Django, Heritage, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Analog Domain, Bladelius, Coltrane Supreme 2, Django L, Django XL, Gothenburg, Heritage Series, HiFi Show, Marten, MSB, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik, Sweden | No Comments »
September 4th, 2014

There’s a great HiFi show in Gothenburg – Sweden the weekend of 20-21 September. We will be playing the gigantic Coltrane Supreme 2 in our state-of-the-art listening room together with Jorma Design cables, MSB and Whest electronics, Gigawatt power conditioners and more.
You can meet Angel Despotov from exclusive Analogue Domain, the hottest electronics from Germany. We will of course demo one of their amplifiers, The Artemis.
We will also play our own recording Supreme Sessions 1 on Django XL and Django L in another room.
We open already on Friday 19 September 1pm – 6pm, Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 5pm. We are located at Chalmersgatan 24, about 200 meters away from one of the show hotels Park Avenue.
Please come and see us and listen to some good tunes!
Filed in Coltrane, Demo, Django, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Analogue Domain, Angel Despotov, Arkenmässan, Avenyn, Coltrane Supreme 2, Django L, Django XL, Gigawatt, Gothenburg, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, MSB Technology, Park Avenue, Supreme Sessions 1, Sweden, The Artemis, Whest | No Comments »
June 20th, 2014
Today is the biggest night of the year in our native Sweden. If you’re interested in how it all works, have a look at the video below.
Swedish Midsummer for Dummies from Intellecta Corporate on Vimeo.
Please have a few herrings and vodka shots on us! 🙂
Filed in News, Travel
Tags celebration, herring, Midsommarafton, Midsummer, Midsummers eve, nubbe, Sweden, tradition | No Comments »
May 30th, 2014
We’re having a really great demo this weekend at HembioConsult in Lerum, Sweden. Please come if you have a chance. We will show Django L, Django XL and Heritage Bird 2 together with Hegel and MSB. It will sound good, we promise! 🙂

Filed in Demo, Django, Heritage, Travel
Tags Django L, Django XL, Hegel, HembioConsult, Lerum, MSB, Sweden | No Comments »
May 7th, 2014
We were always fascinated by the simplicity of the 2-way speakers, but never encountered such a solid build that so resolutely manages to bring 2-way audio to new heights.

Great review by Mats Meyer-Lie on Django L in Swedish HiFi & Musik. Here is the conclusion in english:
Django L can certainly produce bass, so deep that the room rattles and makes you gasp for breath. Django L is therefore one of the most versatile speakers we have heard in a long time. As comfortable with dubstep or hard rock as with acoustic jazz or frail chamber music.
I constantly found myself moved by the music instead of analysing the sound. Exactly what we all want really. A real magnificent, large scale speaker that everyone totally falls for.
Sure, they cost a pretty penny but it is a unusually victorious and well made creation, except for the german units, entirely Made In Sweden.
You can download the full review (in Swedish) here. Pdf, 1.2mb.
Filed in Django, Reviews
Tags Django L, HiFi & Muisk, Review, Sweden | No Comments »
January 9th, 2014
It took a while but finally we could find a moment to post this. All of the diffusors were delivered at midnight the night before the show so the room wasn’t ready until just a couple of hours before the show opened! Such a great feeling to do the final touches after so much hard and stressful work.

The Coltrane Supreme 2 really sound absolutely fantastic.

All together with the rest of the coolest stuff:
Starting off with:

This is what came so late but it was worth the wait. SMT‘s amazing diffusor/reflection ceiling.

MSB Diamond Dac and UMT Plus

As all of us main exhibitors (Marten. Jorma Design and SMT) are Swedish we gave the entrance a slight Swedish feel with birch trunks.

Dan Meinwald doing his thing
We’ll be back tomorrow, cheers!
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Accuton, Bergmann Audio, Ceramic Drivers, CES, CES 2014, Coltrane, Coltrane Supreme 2, HiFi Show, International CES, Jorma Design, Jorma Design Statement, Las Vegas, Marten, Pass Labs, SMT, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik, Sweden, The Venetian | No Comments »
July 12th, 2013
Django L. It is rather impressing that you can get so much music for the money. What are you waiting for? Get out there and listen!

Brilliant review in Swedish ‘Ljud & Bild‘ of our Django L by Sven Bilén. You can download a pdf here or read the translation beneath.
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Filed in Django, Reviews
Tags Ljud & Bild, Sven Bilen, Sweden | No Comments »