May 15th, 2014
We managed to finish the room acoustics and the rest on time and this is the result!
It really sounds great, especially when playing our own cd release: Supreme Sessions 1.
We’ll be back soon with more details.
Filed in Coltrane, Heritage, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags DarTZeel, Germany, Getz 2, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, Munich, Svanå MiljöTeknik | No Comments »
May 11th, 2014

A few days left to the Munich High End. We will be in room A4 2.OG F214. We present the world premiere of Coltrane Supreme 2 together with SMT Diffusors, Jorma Design cables and DarTZeel electronics. Please come and have a listen.

Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Coltrane Supreme 2, DarTZeel, Germany, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, Munich, SMT, Speakers | 1 Comment »
January 9th, 2014
It took a while but finally we could find a moment to post this. All of the diffusors were delivered at midnight the night before the show so the room wasn’t ready until just a couple of hours before the show opened! Such a great feeling to do the final touches after so much hard and stressful work.

The Coltrane Supreme 2 really sound absolutely fantastic.

All together with the rest of the coolest stuff:
Starting off with:

This is what came so late but it was worth the wait. SMT‘s amazing diffusor/reflection ceiling.

MSB Diamond Dac and UMT Plus

As all of us main exhibitors (Marten. Jorma Design and SMT) are Swedish we gave the entrance a slight Swedish feel with birch trunks.

Dan Meinwald doing his thing
We’ll be back tomorrow, cheers!
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Accuton, Bergmann Audio, Ceramic Drivers, CES, CES 2014, Coltrane, Coltrane Supreme 2, HiFi Show, International CES, Jorma Design, Jorma Design Statement, Las Vegas, Marten, Pass Labs, SMT, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik, Sweden, The Venetian | No Comments »
January 6th, 2014
preparation is the key to success”
said Alexander Graham Bell, perhaps the worlds first audiophile. Preparing is exactly what we’re doing these days yet another time at the CES Show 2014 in glorious Las Vegas. There’s a lot work left but tomorrow the preparation should be done.

We will get back to you soon, with more stuff from it all.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Alexander Graham Bell, CES 2014, Coltrane, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, Las Vegas, Marten, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik | No Comments »
February 16th, 2013
We are held hostage by the sound in our room! We simply can’t tear ourself from listening to more and more music:) The MSB Analog DAC and S201 amplifier + data transport sound amazing with our Django L. Come visit us if you’re around. We’re in the ‘Grundström’ room at Lundqvist & Lindqvist‘s showrooms at Stockholm High End 2013.

Filed in Django, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Django, Django L, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, MSB, Stockholm, Stockholm High End, Svanå MiljöTeknik, Sweden | No Comments »
January 9th, 2013
The show finally started and there’s been loads of visitors today. We’re sharing room with Nagra again this time, just like in Munich.

Here’s Leif, doing the fine tuning.

The new Coltrane Tenor sound awesome together with Nagra’s electronics and Jorma Design’s cables.

We also have a few pairs of speaker scattered across CES but we’ll chat about that later.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show
Tags CES 2013, Coltrane, Coltrane Tenor, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, Las Vegas, Marten, Nagra | No Comments »
November 9th, 2011

We realised that we were part of a ‘The PFO Audio Oasis!’ at THE Show in Newport Beach. Our man Dan Meinwald exhibited with his usual stuff and of course he won the award. David W. Robinson start off his article with
Here’s a big no-surprise: Dan Meinwald’s room was sounding superb, as always.
Thank you very much to PFO.
Filed in Awards, Coltrane, HiFi Show
Tags David W. Robinson, E.A.R., Jorma Design, Marten, Positive Feedback, The PFO Audio Oasis, THE Show Newport Beach | No Comments »
May 19th, 2011

What a great place Munich is. Walking around in this beautiful city in the spring weather is a real treat. Popping into a bierhalle for a drink here and there makes it all even better:)
The High End fair is exactly how you would expect it to be in Germany, neat, tidy and well organised with a lot of space for everyone. We had our room set up and ready yesterday evening and it’s actually sounding pretty darn good if we may say that ourselves.
Unfortunately I had a little memory mishap and forgot my Canon 50D that I usually use for all the blog photos but luckily, Leif’s little handy Olympus F1.8 takes great pictures so that is what we’ll be using for this show.

The Coltrane 2, M•Amp and M•Furniture set up with Jorma Design’s brand new cables, Unity. We also use SMT’s lovely looking diffusors that we had in our room at CES 2011 in Las Vegas.

The FormFloors, the FromSub and Bladelius Tyr, playing audio from a MacBook Air also makes for a pretty neat second set up.

Even if the room is quite large we actually filled it most of this rather busy day. Tomorrow the show will open for non-audio business people so maybe it will be even busier.
See you tomorrow with more form the rest of the show.
Filed in Coltrane, Form, HiFi Show, M•Amp, M•Furniture, News
Tags bierhalle, Bladelius, Bladelius Tyr, Canon 50D, Coltrane 2, FormFloor, FromSub, Germany, HiFi Show, High End, Jorma Design, M•Amp, M•Amp Mono Power Amplifier, M•Furniture, MacBook Air, Munich, Olympus, Svanå Miljö Teknik, Unity | No Comments »
May 3rd, 2011

We are very happy to participate with our latest models at Europe’s biggest High End Audio trade fair in Munich this year. High End has been going since 1983 which is pretty old in Audio circuits. We will exhibit Coltrane 2 and our own Mono Power Amplifier M•Amp as well as Jorma Design cables and Svanå Miljöteknink Diffusors. It would be great if you came to visit us in room Atrium 4 2.OG E214, we’ll be there from May 19 – 22.

This is what it looked like last year.
You’re very welcome to visit us.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Mono Power Amplifier
Tags Coltrane 2, Germany, HiFi Show, High End Society 2011, Jorma Design, M•Amp, M•Amp Mono Power Amplifier, Munich, Svanå MiljöTeknik, Svanå Miljöteknink | No Comments »
January 10th, 2011

Almost all packed up and ready to go. Here’s the cable guy, Jorma Koski, taking care of his cables that we used as usual. The show is all over and we’re tired but happy with a really busy show, for us anyway. It was really great but thankfully there’s a whole year until the next one:)
Many thanks to CES 2011 and Las Vegas for another cool show.
We will be back soon with more photos and stuff from CES.
Bye for now
Filed in HiFi Show
Tags CES 2011, Consumer Electronics Show, Jorma Design, Jorma Koski, Marten, The Venetian | No Comments »