Award winner!
Our flagship speakers Coltrane Supreme 2 won “Cost No Object Loudspeaker of the Year”. An award we think it well deserves:)
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Our flagship speakers Coltrane Supreme 2 won “Cost No Object Loudspeaker of the Year”. An award we think it well deserves:)
We’re having a great time here in the home land of TinTin. The set up sounds amazing and everyone seem to agree with that statement.
We’re playing on: Coltrane Supreme 2, Jeff Rowland 925 monoamps, Jeff Rowland Corus preamp, Jeff Rowland Aeris DAC, CEC TL0X transport, Lumin A1 network player, Jorma Statement/Prime cables, all on a Stillpoint rack.
Our awesome dealers in Tampere are having a big Marten demo in their great shop. You will be able to listen to sweet sounding music from Duke 2, Miles 5, Bird 2, Django L and Coltrane Soprano. A great opportunity to get a feel of the different qualities of our speakers. Please come and listen, it will be a great weekend.
Welcome to:
Hatanpään Highway 11
(Driving Address: Voimakatu 20)
Miles 5
Even though we’ve been listening to music 24/7 the last four days we still haven’t had enough. It’s an addiction isn’t it, a healthy one though.
This is our main set up this year:
It took a while but finally we could find a moment to post this. All of the diffusors were delivered at midnight the night before the show so the room wasn’t ready until just a couple of hours before the show opened! Such a great feeling to do the final touches after so much hard and stressful work.
The Coltrane Supreme 2 really sound absolutely fantastic.
All together with the rest of the coolest stuff:
Starting off with:
This is what came so late but it was worth the wait. SMT‘s amazing diffusor/reflection ceiling.
Jorma Design Statement – brand new cables
Pass Labs Mono Power Amps: XS300
Pass Labs XS pre amps
Whest Audio Phonostage Ref 5 MK4
Bergmann Audio Sleipner turntable with Ortofon Mc Anna cartridge.
MSB Diamond Dac and UMT Plus
As all of us main exhibitors (Marten. Jorma Design and SMT) are Swedish we gave the entrance a slight Swedish feel with birch trunks.
Dan Meinwald doing his thing
We’ll be back tomorrow, cheers!
preparation is the key to success”
said Alexander Graham Bell, perhaps the worlds first audiophile. Preparing is exactly what we’re doing these days yet another time at the CES Show 2014 in glorious Las Vegas. There’s a lot work left but tomorrow the preparation should be done.
We will get back to you soon, with more stuff from it all.
Only a little more than a week to the annual High End Show in Munich! We will show:
Django L and
Coltrane Tenor together with Nagra electronics and Purist Audio Design cables. We’ll also make use of Svanå Miljöteknik’s excellent diffusors as usual. Now, that sounds like a good combo doesn’t it?:) You can follow us right here on this blog as we’ll try and update as often as we can.
Come and visit us! We will be in Booth nr: Atrium 4 2.OG F 214.
The show finally started and there’s been loads of visitors today. We’re sharing room with Nagra again this time, just like in Munich.
Here’s Leif, doing the fine tuning.
The new Coltrane Tenor sound awesome together with Nagra’s electronics and Jorma Design’s cables.
We also have a few pairs of speaker scattered across CES but we’ll chat about that later.
There’s only a few weeks to go and the excitement is building at Marten HQ. Las Vegas CES 2013 is just around the corner. (Oh, and there’s Christmas too).
We’re launching two new models at the CES – Django L and Coltrane Tenor.
Yes, that’s right – Django L is here! Following in response to last year’s success, Django XL, we had to build this. We’re really happy with the result. In fact it’s exceeded our expectations. This one is 2-way, with bass units from Norwegian SEAS and tweeter from Accuton.
We’re really proud of Coltrane Tenor too. It has newly designed bass units and we think it sounds great.
We had a sneak preview in our hometown of Gothenburg as we talked about in our previous post, but the world premiere will be at the CES. We hope you can visit us in Las Vegas, but if not, just follow all the action here.
We’ll be right back with even more stuff.