Munich the Movie
Here is a little film about our recent visit to Munich High End 2018 recently.
Filed in Coltrane, Heritage, Mingus, Music, Travel
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Here is a little film about our recent visit to Munich High End 2018 recently.
the Coltrane Momento 2 was neutral, 3-D, spacious, alive, and astonishingly of a piece from top to bottom—excellent on digital and on an R2R recording of a jazz trio (where it was superb on bass, drum, and ride cymbal), and among the best I heard on my Sachmo LP.
Great quote about our room at the Munich High End from Mr Jonathan Valin at The Absolute Sound. We are very happy to be part of ‘The Best’ section. Have a look closer here.
It’s the day after a great show so here is a full photo report of the room.
Marten Coltrane Momento 2 – PREMIERE
Jorma Design cables
Jorma Design Statement power cord
Jorma Design Trinity XLR
Lyrec Frida MkII Reel to Reel player
Mingus One and Anniversary model Mingus Twenty
Mingus One
Mingus Twenty
The rack from Solid Tech
Golden Crystal diffusors from SMT – PREMIERE
Thales TTT – compact II with tonearm Thales Statement & Emt cartridge
Vitus Audio MP – L 201
We had a brilliant weekend at the Guangzhou International Advanced Audio Exhibition 2018. It is one of the bigger shows in Asia and it was packed most of the time. We played our Coltrane 3s for the first time together with Swizz Goldmund Electronics which was a great combination along with Jorma Design Statement. The spectacular CD player is from French Metronome. As per usual when in China the audience is a great deal younger than in the West so good energy all round.
Thank you to everyone involved!
Great Company Portrait from German Stereo Magazine. Have a read on page 34. Also worth to mention is that the room acoustics are made by SMT.
Here we are again in lovely Munich. And this is the Marten & Jorma Design Room!
Brand new Coltrane Tenor 2 – Statement Edition, with the Jorma Design flagship cables inside.
Brand new Jorma Phono
and Jorma USB Reference.
We are playing vinyl on this awesome refurbished Thorens TD124 turntable.
With a 12” Thomas Schick tonearm and a ZYX Cartridge.
The turntable is connected with Jorma Design Phono of course to the Whest Titan Pro phono amp.
We’re playing tapes on this really cool old reel-to-reel player from Nagra, IV-S.
This is brand new Eric from Engström. A real powerful Tube Amplifier.
Here is also the Select DAC II from MSB
with its two power supplies.
And finally the Aurender media player.
Make your way here if you can, it sounds awesome!
This is our latest release from Marten Recordings: Duo Granmo-Berg, a very dynamic violin and marimba live recording cd. It will be available to buy soon in our shop.
We will show our Mingus Quintet as well as Jorma Design cables. We will aslo premiere our Supreme Sessions on vinyl as well as MSB electronics, Analog Domain, Gigawatt, Whest Audio and NAT.
Please come and have a listen! We will be in the Gripsholm A room at Sheraton Stockholm, 18 – 19 February.
This past weekend was very stimulating for us. Being in Tokyo and also having the opportunity to participate at the fantastic Tokyo International Audio Show. This was the first time there which made it even more exciting.
We showed our mighty Coltrane 3 together with a TechDas turntable, SAT tonearm, CH Precision and Constellation Audio electronics. This combination made for a real detailed and rich sound that was very well received. Our room was full to the brim most of the time.
We are having a real food experience here in Tokyo, the standard is as high as can be almost everywhere.
We had a great time this weekend at the Hong Kong High-End Show 2016.
We exhibited with Forthwise, our distributor for Hong Kong, Macau and China. We played on the brilliant TechDAS turntable together with CH Precision electronics. The sound was extremely natural and clear which we received a lot of positive feedback for.
Our room was pretty much packed from opening time to closing time.
Thanks to everyone involved for a fantastic weekend!
We also had our Coltrane 3 in the Engström room. The sound was very rich and deep, a great combination with their The Lars.
Here is Timo Engström playing some tunes.
We had a pair of Miles 5 in the Cyrus room as well.
Also a very nice full sound.
Here’s also a proud creator with his latest model, Mingus Quintet. Photo: Leo Yeh,
We’re already looking forward to High End Munich 2017!