Great pictures of The Godfather Coltrane Supreme 2 in this blogpost at Mono & Stereo. Have a look!
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Great pictures of The Godfather Coltrane Supreme 2 in this blogpost at Mono & Stereo. Have a look!
This past weekend was very stimulating for us. Being in Tokyo and also having the opportunity to participate at the fantastic Tokyo International Audio Show. This was the first time there which made it even more exciting.
We showed our mighty Coltrane 3 together with a TechDas turntable, SAT tonearm, CH Precision and Constellation Audio electronics. This combination made for a real detailed and rich sound that was very well received. Our room was full to the brim most of the time.
We are having a real food experience here in Tokyo, the standard is as high as can be almost everywhere.
We had a great time this weekend at the Hong Kong High-End Show 2016.
We exhibited with Forthwise, our distributor for Hong Kong, Macau and China. We played on the brilliant TechDAS turntable together with CH Precision electronics. The sound was extremely natural and clear which we received a lot of positive feedback for.
Our room was pretty much packed from opening time to closing time.
Thanks to everyone involved for a fantastic weekend!
We also had our Coltrane 3 in the Engström room. The sound was very rich and deep, a great combination with their The Lars.
Here is Timo Engström playing some tunes.
We had a pair of Miles 5 in the Cyrus room as well.
Also a very nice full sound.
Here’s also a proud creator with his latest model, Mingus Quintet. Photo: Leo Yeh,
We’re already looking forward to High End Munich 2017!
We are being talked about after showing the mighty Coltrane 3 at Axpona last weekend.
really nice warm sound and huge soundstage
Jason Victor Serinus – Stereophile
dark rich color, superb focus, sledgehammer dynamics, and a very wide soundstage
Peter, Paul and Mary’s “Very Last Day” gave me goosebumps
Jonathan Valin’s Five Best Systems – The Absolute Sound
We’re having a great time in sunny Bonn this weekend, at the annual show at Hifi Linzbach. We are playing on the Godfather of our models Coltrane Supreme 2 as well as Coltrane 3. There are a lot of pleased audiophiles around.
We are playing with Aavik Acoustics electronics together with the Coltrane 3s. Great sound.
Our distributor from Gaudios presenting the Coltrane Supreme 2 system.
Coltrane Supreme 2 goes great together with this turntable from German Brinkmann.
Come and have a listen if you are nearby!
We finally have moment to post a picture of our room here at the High End Show in Stockholm.
A lot of people has said it’s the best sound of the show. Even though we haven’t had the time to compare, we are prepared to believe them, the sound is amazing!
We are also playing our brand new release on Marten Recordings: Supreme Sessions 2.
A great mixture of different artists and genres, Latin, Jazz, Virtuoso Percussion and Classical.
We’re here for a few more hours so come in and have a listen!
This coming weekend, 20 – 21 February, we will exhibit at the annual HiFi show in Stockholm, HEM 2016. A great chance to listen to our mighty Coltrane 3. You are welcome to the ‘Gripsholm A’ room at Sheraton Stockholm.
Our flagship speakers Coltrane Supreme 2 won “Cost No Object Loudspeaker of the Year”. An award we think it well deserves:)
If you’re around the Gothenburg area next weekend we will have a demo at Akkelis Audio 20-21 November. We will show the mighty Coltrane 3, MSB digital, Analog Domain pre-amp as well as Whest Audio RIAA.
You are welcome to join us for a musical weekend at Akkelis Audio’s brand new premises on Von Utfallsgatan 1, 415 05 Gothenburg, Sweden.