January 11th, 2012
Today we found a moment to walk around and check at least our floor out.

We found our mate Wes not far from ours, looking very professional with his new set up. Do like the logo work as well:)
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Filed in Django, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Bladelius, Hansen Audio, Jeff Rowland, Joe's, Redpoint turn tables, Venture, Viola Labs, Vivid Audio, Wes Bender, Wes Bender Studio | 2 Comments »
March 24th, 2010
Here I am in the lovely city Kaohsiung (second largest city after Taipei) in south of Taiwan. This is the 7th time in Taiwan for me, but only the second time in Kaohsiung. The first time was for a couple of chaotic hours 6 years ago, so it was nice to see more of this city and stay for a number of days.

Filed in HiFi Show, News
Tags Ambassador Hotel, ASR Luna 8, Audio Research, Bladelius Gondul, Burmester, Coltrane Momento, Delight Audio, DynAudio, Genesis Audio, Hi-End show, Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Hi-End 2010, Mr Leo Yeh, Playback System, Sonus Faber, Soundray Electronics, Stello electronics, Taiwan, Venture, Vivid Audio Giya, Zorin Audio turntable | 3 Comments »
January 17th, 2010

Zine Noodles Dim Sum, a favourite for a quiet lunch in one of the neighbouring resorts to the Venetian, Palazzo Resort.
Filed in HiFi Show
Tags Audio Federation, CES 2010, DLS electronics, Gallo loudspeakers, Joseph Audio, Lamm, Las Vegas, Magical, New York, Soulution, Speakers, The Venetian, Venture, Wilson Audio, Zine Noodles Dim Sum | No Comments »