May 20th, 2011

Almost first in today was Adrian Bankewitz from Accuton with family.
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Filed in Coltrane, Form, HiFi Show, M•Amp, M•Furniture, Mono Power Amplifier, News
Tags Accuton, Adrian Bankewitz, AMC, Audium, Bob Dylan, Chet Baker, DLS, EAR-Yoshino, Engelholm Audio, Gerry Mulligan, He Xun Tian, The Jazz Crusaders | 2 Comments »
February 26th, 2010
After CES earlier this year we went to New York for a few days and re-discovered how easy it is to find good live music. There are loads of incredibly talented artists playing every night of the week in this city.

Photo: Andrew Nicholas -
After a nice authentic NYC dinner at the classical institution Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn, we arrived quite late at the Terra Blues Club in Greenwich Village. Having eaten a good chunk of delicious meat we were in the best of moods. We got a table, ordered a few beers and then the music started. What a shock – we were totally blown away by this guitarist and his trio. Loud, long, powerful jamming tunes that sometimes went from one song and seamlessly changed over to another one. Suddenly a trumpetist arrived at the dark stage playing a solo – and this underlined the openness of the music.
Filed in Music
Tags Andrew Nicholas, Blue Note Café, Blues, Jazz, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Sample, Live Music, Michael Powers, New York, Peter Luger Steakhouse, Terra Blues Club, The Groove Bar & Grill, The Jazz Crusaders | No Comments »