March 7th, 2014
A few more show reports from CES 2014:
it sounded delicately detailed, with a superbly stable rendering of the recording venue
I was so amazed by the sound of the Marten Coltrane Supreme 2, that I totally forgot to even check what other equipment was in the room.
Positive Feedback Part 1
Positive Feedback Part 2
Coltrane Supreme II speakers driven by Pass Labs amps sounded superb and solid.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Reviews
Tags Analogplanet, Marten Coltrane Supreme 2, Positive Feedback, stereophile | No Comments »
April 24th, 2013
Our man Wes Bender had a room at the recent New York Audio Show 2013 and showed our FormFloors. You can read more about it on the Stereophile blog.

Filed in HiFi Show
Tags New York, stereophile, Wes Bender | No Comments »
November 7th, 2012

Marten’s Django XL gave me the best sound I have ever heard in my room. Highly recommended.
Massive thanks again to Erick Lichte for a great review.
Please download and read here (pdf 5.7mb).
Filed in Django, Reviews
Tags Django XL, Erick Lichte, Marten, Speakers, stereophile | No Comments »
February 10th, 2011

Since CES 2011 we have received a lot of attention at different places around the internet. Here are some of the mentions we’ve had:
“The system looked and sounded truly wonderful, and both amps and speakers are well worth checking out.”
Alan Sircom at The Absolute Sound
“At last year’s CES, many of my favorite rooms featured Sweden’s Marten speakers. The same held true this year.”
Thank you for the music:) Erick Lichte, at stereophile
“So, how did it sound? Simply put, it was outstanding, highly detailed, very transparent and musical at the same time.”
Key Kim at Stereotimes
“Another Swedish company making an excellent impression was Marten“
the Audio Beat
“This was one of the few rooms to treat the room, and it contributed to an intimate, stimulating demonstration.”
“Uber bass resolution.”
Audio Federation
“Sweden’s Marten is well-regarded for its high-end speakers and takes a fair amount of pride in their audiophile-pleasing performance.”
Paul Ridden at Gizmag
A massive thank you to all of you, from all of us here at Marten.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, M•Amp, News, Reviews
Tags Audio Federation, CES 2011, Coltrane 2,, Gizmag, HiFi Show, International CES, Las Vegas, M•Amp, M•Amp Mono Power Amplifier, Marten, Speakers, stereophile, Stereotimes, The Absolute Sound, the Audio Beat, The Venetian | No Comments »