April 30th, 2013
Only a little more than a week to the annual High End Show in Munich! We will show:

Django L and

Coltrane Tenor together with Nagra electronics and Purist Audio Design cables. We’ll also make use of Svanå Miljöteknik’s excellent diffusors as usual. Now, that sounds like a good combo doesn’t it?:) You can follow us right here on this blog as we’ll try and update as often as we can.
Come and visit us! We will be in Booth nr: Atrium 4 2.OG F 214.
Filed in Coltrane, Django, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Coltrane, Coltrane Tenor, Django L, HiFi Show, Marten, Nagra, Purist Audio Design, Svanå MiljöTeknik | No Comments »
January 9th, 2013
The show finally started and there’s been loads of visitors today. We’re sharing room with Nagra again this time, just like in Munich.

Here’s Leif, doing the fine tuning.

The new Coltrane Tenor sound awesome together with Nagra’s electronics and Jorma Design’s cables.

We also have a few pairs of speaker scattered across CES but we’ll chat about that later.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show
Tags CES 2013, Coltrane, Coltrane Tenor, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, Las Vegas, Marten, Nagra | No Comments »
January 7th, 2013
The view from our room at the Venetian Las Vegas.

Yes, we’re here yet again for high end audio, fun and of course lots of music. Please come and see us in room 29229 if you’re in the area. The show starts on Tuesday but our room is almost ready so maybe we have time for some relaxing. We’ll show you more tomorrow.
Filed in HiFi Show, Travel
Tags CES 2013, Coltrane Tenor, Django L, HiFi Show, International CES, Las Vegas, Nagra, Speakers, The Venetian | 3 Comments »
August 15th, 2012

Now, this is pretty cool. When we took part in the Munich HiFi Show earlier this year, the guys from Nagra brought this little old school gadget called Nagra SN ‘Série Noire’ recorder. I had a chat with Matthieu Latour and found out some interesting facts about it.
Nagra started making it back in the early sixties on a request from the CIA. The CIA used it solidly for about a decade and so it didn’t exist to the rest of the world. However, technology eventually caught up and spies started using detection devices that read frequencies that the ‘Série Noire’ recorder used and in the end it was fairly common to use both the recorder as well as the detection device.

There’s a story about an American spy meeting a Russian ditto that started chatting about their Nagra gadgets without any other introduction, they just both knew they both were wired. Probably a similar conversation to what goes on today, comparing iPhones and other gadgets.
When it was released to the general public it became very popular with film making as it’s so small that the actors can fit it in a pocket and then record their lines. It was also used by NASA in space travel.
When it’s closed it looks like it could have been made by Apple, only 50 years earlier. An inspiration for the macbook perhaps?
I really wanted to sneak it into my pocket and ‘borrow’ it but I guess that would’ve been downright stealing, not sneaking. I’m surprised none else did. Maybe the prospect of having the CIA after you scared people off:)

Filed in Technical, Travel
Tags CIA, High End, High End Munich, iPhone, Munich, Nagra, Nagra SN 'Série Noire' recorder, NASA, Série Noire | No Comments »
May 4th, 2012

These are the cables we use in both of our set ups, from Purist, good stuff.
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Filed in Django, Heritage, HiFi Show
Tags 300B, Accuton, Ceramic Drivers, diffusors, Django, Germany, HiFi Show, Kuzma, Marten, Nagra, Nagra Jazz, Purist, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik | No Comments »
May 3rd, 2012
We finished fine tuning it right on time. Here are a few quick shots of the room.

The main setup with Django XL, M•Amp Mono Power block and Nagra electronics on M•Furniture Audio Bench.

The premiere of the new Miles 5 that we will tell you more about soon.

Collage type panorama of the whole room. Click to enlarge.
We’ll be back soon with more news.
Filed in Django, Heritage, HiFi Show, M•Furniture, Mono Power Amplifier
Tags Ceramic Drivers, Django, Django XL, Germany, HiFi Show, M•Amp, M•Amp Mono Power Amplifier, Marten, Munich, Nagra, Speakers, Svanå MiljöTeknik | No Comments »