February 23rd, 2015
We had a great time with our guests in Stockholm a couple of weeks ago. Rui Borges and Vicky Rosario were there from Portugal as well as Marc Gomez who lives in Gothenburg but originates from Barcelona. Frank Vermeylen from Belgium and of course Michael Fremer from the US were there too so we were a very international bunch, as it normally is on these shows.

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Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Music, Travel
Tags Analog Domain, Duke Ellington, Frank Vermeylen, Marc Gomez, Michael Fremer, Mood Indigo, Rui Borges, Vicky Rosario | No Comments »
February 3rd, 2015

We’re really happy that Coltrane Supreme 2 was chosen to feature in the main advertising of HEM, the great HiFi Show this weekend in Stockholm. It’s all over the place.
We will have a big room where we present Coltrane Supreme 2 with Analog Domain amplifiers, MSB Select DAC, Jorma Design Statement cables as well as a turntable from Rui Borges and more.
On every hour we will have a presentation for about 45 minutes where we play music and talk about our flagship model Coltrane Supreme 2.
We really look forward to A few of the presentations that will be turned into proper vinyl sessions when Rui Borges and Marc Gomez of SAT take over.
Also, Frank Vermeylen from MSB will visit us to talk about the fantastic MSB electronics that goes so well with our models.
You really should try and make it to this show as we can promise you a fully loaded weekend with great sounds in the middle of beautiful Stockholm.
The Marten room: Drottningh A
Tegelbacken 6
101 23 Stockholm
7 – 8 February 2015
Saturday 10–18
Sunday 10–16
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Analog Domain, Coltrane Supreme 2, Frank Vermeylen, HEM, High End Mässan 2015, Jorma Design, Jorma Design Statement, Marc Gomez, MSB Select DAC, Rui Borges | No Comments »