May 18th, 2014
This is our main set up this year:

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Filed in Coltrane, Heritage, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Aurender, Aurender X100S, Brinkmann Balance, Coltrane, Coltrane Supreme 2, DarTZeel, darTZeel NHB-18NS, dartzeel NHB-458, Germany, Gigawatt, Heritage Getz 2, HiFi Show, Jorma Design, Jorma Prime cables, Jorma Statement, Marten, MSB, MSB DAC IV Diamond Select, MSB UMT Plus transport, Munich, Svanå Miljöteknik Diffusors | No Comments »
June 1st, 2013
Falun is a beautiful place, especially in the warm, breezy, Swedish summer that we have now.

We’re here because of a special demo at our great dealer Lasse that has ‘Lasses Hifi‘.
The system sounded great with the MSB Diamond Dac, MSB S201 Power Amplifier, Jorma Prime cables, Coltrane Tenor and of course Django L .

You can read more (in Swedish) at

After a hectic day it’s time to chillax. Cheers!
Filed in Coltrane, Django, Travel
Tags Coltrane Tenor, Django L, Falun, Jorma Prime cables, Lasses Hifi, MSB Diamond Dac, MSB S201 Power Amplifier | No Comments »
January 22nd, 2010
The Dream Weekend 27-28/11/09
It might seem like a distant dream now after the holidays and CES but the Marten Showroom was crowded with audio lovers on the last weekend in November 09.
Erik Andersson and Ola Hesselvall, demonstrated their latest amplifier project: The Dream. This has been legendary audio designer Erik’s dream for many years and he has really put all of his experience and heart into it.
The tube amplifier has direct heated triodes (Russian GM70) which are unusually powerful for being single ended (40W). The setup was really something, with our new reference model Coltrane Momento, Jorma Prime cables, Bladelius Embla CD-player, EAT Forte turntable, Helius Omega 12″ tone-arm, Einstein Audio TU3 cartridge and Einstein Audio “Little Big Phono” phonostage.
The furniture used was G.A.D.-Marten. By that we mean the audio furniture and not the brand of the sofa we sat on. And no, it’s not from IKEA:)

Hesselvall Audio The Dream in cool bright red.
Filed in News
Tags Bladelius, Coltrane Momento, EAT Forte turntable, Einstein Audio, Erik Andersson and Ola Hesselvall, G.A.D., Helius Omega, Jorma Prime cables, Little Big Phono, Marten Showroom, The Dream, tube amplifier | No Comments »