
Leif Olofsson & Anne Bisson
Something really cool happened today. Our friend Vital Gbezo, marketing manager for QAT, popped in today with the amazing jazz singer Anne Bisson. She played a few tracks from her album ‘Blue Mind’ and chatted a bit about her experience recording it. We were all a bit starstruck listening to this brilliantly sounding music together with the artist. A pretty special moment all together. She said that she was completely taken back to the moment of performing which we take as a really nice compliment. Thanks for stopping by Anne!

Vital Gbezo, Anne Bisson, Matts Odenmalm and Leif Olofsson
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Anne Bisson, Blue Mind, Jazz, Matts Odenmalm, QAT, Vital Gbezo | No Comments »
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