February 26th, 2014
This Friday we will demo three different systems at the great shop Takt & Ton in Luleå in north of Sweden.
System 1: Marten Bird 2, MSB Diamond DAC with UMT transport, Mark Levinson 532H Power Amp, GigaWatt PC-4 Power Conditioner.
System 2: Marten Duke 2, MSB Analog DAC, Linn Klimax Twin Power Amp, GigaWatt PF-2 Power Filter.
System 3: Django L etc.
Please come for a listen if you can.

Filed in Demo
Tags GigaWatt PC-4 Power Conditioner, GigaWatt PF-2 Power Filter, Linn Klimax Twin Power Amp, Mark Levinson, Marten Heritage Bird, Marten Heritage Duke, MSB, MSB Analog DAC, MSB Diamond Dac | No Comments »
February 18th, 2014
There are a good few show reports from CES out there, we start with linking you to Dagogo:
the tour de force Marten Supreme II system driven by Pass Xs series electronics which was clearly and by a rather wide margin the best sound I heard.
Two other knockouts were Neemi Jarvi conducting Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and Gina Bachauer playing Beethoven’s Second Piano Concerto on a Mercury recording. In both instances, spatial information was excellent with good depth, imaging and soundstage. The sound of both piano and violin was also very natural. I wish that I had the resources to own a pair.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show
Tags CES 2014, Las Vegas, Show report, The Venetian | No Comments »
February 5th, 2014

As usual we will be at the Stockholm High End Show this year. We will show the whole updated Heritage 2 Series together with electronics from Whest and Townsend and also maybe a surprise from CES 2014. Plus, we will show the brilliant Analog DAC and the Diamond DAC form MSB. Please come for a listen, it’ll be a lot of fun!
Photo credit: flickr.com/itslars
Filed in Heritage, HiFi Show, Travel
Tags Heritage, MSB, Stockholm High End Show, Townsend, Whest | No Comments »