March 24th, 2012
‘Haute Fidélité‘, the prestigious HIFI magazine wrote:
The latest chord on the Marten guitar is called Django. It’s a beautiful instrument of music reproduction and it’s particularly well-equipped at the technical level. The quality of finish has the same prestige as the other achievements of the manufacturer. All this for a price as unexpected as reasonable for a Marten loudspeaker. A great success.
We used Google Translate so it might not be the most accurate wording but you get the gist:)
Thank you very much to Monsieur Dominique Mafrand.

Filed in Django, Reviews
Tags Django, Dominique Mafrand, France, Haute Fidélité, Paris | No Comments »
March 18th, 2012
We just received this amazing review of our new Django loudspeaker in well renowned Norwegian Fidelity #56
“The speaker feels homogeneous from top to bottom, while the speed and the exemplary micro-dynamics provides an excellent crispness and detail to support themselves on a mountain of solid fundaments. Piano sounds amazingly natural and detailed.”
Very roughly translated, but you can imagine that we’re very happy about this:) Big thank you to Knut Vadseth och Trond Torgnesskar.

Filed in Django, Reviews
Tags Django, Fidelity, High Fidelity, Knut Vadseth, Marten, Norway, Trond Torgnesskar | No Comments »
March 7th, 2012

Click here to see who won our Django Competition.
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