November 8th, 2009
…and the show is unfortunately over. Everything is packed already and on it’s way to Beijing, for an exclusive demo at one of the biggest High End dealers there. All of us are knackered but really happy and content with the show.
Please have a look at some more pictures from the show.

Packing up Momento, all overlooked by our brilliant distributor in China, Lee-Ming.
Filed in HiFi Show
Tags China, HiFi Show, Shantou, Speakers | 3 Comments »
November 6th, 2009
Hello and welcome to the new Marten Speaker blog.
In this space you can find out news about Marten and general High End Audio. We will update fairly frequently and also upload a lot of photos, connected to our Flickr photostream where you will be able to find a more extensive collection of images, such as the Marten speaker collection.
We start off with going all the way to China. There we will participate at the Shantou HiFi Show 09 at the Regency Hotel, where we have an introduction to make to the world. Please come back and read/see more about it later.
We hope you will enjoy following us on this space.
Filed in News
Tags Speakers | 3 Comments »