High End Munich 2015 – The Room
We were lucky to get some shots of the room yesterday before we opened otherwise it’d have been impossible. There has been a constant crowd hindering the view 🙂 Leif is playing a crazy mix of tunes, everything from Rock with Jimi Hendrix , Jazz with Hiromi and Beethoven with Lang Lang to Electronica with James Blake and Blues with Junior Wells. It all sounds great!

Here is the main system – Four MSB M203 Mono blocks between the pair of Coltrane 3

MSB Electronics with the Hard Disk Player Aurender X100 closest in the middle. All on Solid Tech racks.

Jorma Design cables are being used all over. Here is a Jorma Prime on display.

Our logotypes can be seen behind the new SMT S-Wings.

The brand new MSB Select Dac

MSB Select Dac again but opened up
We will be going on playing music until 6pm on Sunday. You are very welcome to room F214 in Atrium 4.
Filed in Coltrane, HiFi Show, Music, Travel
Tags Coltrane 3, Germany, Hard Disk Player Aurender X100, High End Munich, Hiromi, James Blake, Jimi Hendrix, Jorma Design, Jorma Prime, Junior Wells, Lang Lang, MSB M203 Mono blocks, MSB Select DAC, Munich, SMT S-Wings, Solid Tech, SvanĂĄ MiljöTeknik | No Comments »