May 14th, 2014

We have probably beaten our previous record in unpacking to do. This was yesterday so we have come a fair bit on the way and will hopefully be ready in a bit.

Everyone else seem rather busy as well
The show starts tomorrow and we can feel that this will be a good one.
Come and see us and listen to some good tunes!
Filed in HiFi Show, Travel
Tags High End Munich, High End Show, MOC, Munich | No Comments »
May 11th, 2013

Yesterday was a busy day as usual here at the High End Show so it was real nice to hear some chilled tunes from solo bassist Dean Peer having our daily Weißwurst & pretzel. The beats was very soft sounding and the percussionist made use of one of those cool brazilian cube drums, Cajón. The setting might not have been the most inspiring but they didn’t seem to care, it sounded great anyway.
Filed in HiFi Show, Music, Travel
Tags Cajón, Dean Peer, High End Show, Munich | No Comments »