Parker Quintet review in U Audio

A fantastic review of Parker Quintet from U Audio, Taiwan. A very nice round-up of our lead Parker model on this second-listen from the reviewer.

“Parker Quintet has allowed me to hear richer and more gorgeous sounds than ever before, with more slender and subtle changes, a thicker and more cohesive body, with relaxed ends extending, and a very clean and refreshing sound. The bel can’t resist. Judging from any aspect, Parker Quintet can be regarded as one of the best speakers at the same price, and it is definitely worth having.”

Thanks to U Audio and Shao Yun Audio for your kind attention.

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New model Mingus Quintet 2

We are delighted to announce the release of Mingus Quintet 2.

The end of the year is always a time for reflection. A time to take stock of what has happened and think about what is to come. We have had a great year, despite many challenges. So, it’s a great feeling for us to enter 2022 with something new.

We haven’t forgotten the past though. Mingus Quintet 2 takes many of series’s successful features, such as CELL drivers, solid wood finishing and first order crossover and combines them in one elegant update.

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Parker Quintet Diamond Edition wins

We have received the Stereo Sound Grand Prix 2021 for Parker Quintet Diamond Edition. Given the title, this is surely their pièce de résistance.

In times when things have become more local, it’s nice to know that what we still have a global reach. Music transcends borders, countries and language. Our products are out there and people can feel the excitement of a Tchaikovsky crescendo, no matter where they are in the world.

Thanks to our people at Zephyrn Inc., our presence in Japan is very strong and our premium models are very well received, especially when it comes to the use of high end materials such as Diamond.

Stereo Sound is perhaps the biggest audiophile magazine in Japan, so we’re very grateful for the recognition.

Parker Duo review in Audio Art

We have received a review for Parker Duo from Audio Art – thanks to our wonderful distributors Soundray for sending it to us. Parker Duo has been blessed with exceptionally kind words again. Here is the opening paragraph translated by Google.

“In theory, no matter how powerful the bookshelf speaker is, it is impossible to decathlon, but Marten Parker Duo actually broke this limit. Its low-frequency energy source is endless, and its scale is surprisingly wide and powerful enough to compete with medium-sized floor speakers. The point is that its sound quality is superb, even when compared to the top speakers I have ever heard. Owning a Parker Duo is equivalent to using the most reasonable price to condense the most beautiful characteristics of Marten speakers into a bookshelf-shaped cabinet. There is no doubt that Parker Duo is definitely the most powerful bookcase speaker king I have ever heard.”

Wen |Tao Zhonghao

Download the full review

Collaborating with IsoAcoustics

Rigorous design process allows you to achieve great results, but sometimes it’s a more organic approach that can elevate a product. Working with field-leaders and relying on their expertise is a rewarding creative process; it’s more open and intuitive.

Our Chief Designer, Leif Olofsson has the technical knowledge and experience to take each model from the drawing board to the reality of listening. But he also relies on intuition – that innate ability to hear when something “feels right”

We worked with audio isolation leaders IsoAcoustics to create Marten Isolators. They have a proven track record, not to mention a multitude of awards to back up their products. With this powerhouse and Leif’s ear, they worked through a process of listening and testing to create a Marten Isolator that works for each model.

Leif reflects on the collaboration.

“I loved working with the guys at IsoAcoustics. When you are designing, I think it’s good to change gear  – working with others changes the pace. Plus they have such good products and knowledge in the field.

We first developed Marten Isolators for the Coltrane and Mingus series and I was so pleased with the results that I knew we had to use them for the next series. The Parker series has done incredibly well, both critically and with the public. The work we did with IsoAcoustics certainly contributed to its success.”


Dave Morrison of IsoAcoustics had this to say:

“I was very pleased to work with Leif Olofsson and the team at Marten Audio to develop the Marten Isolators, and I’m very excited about the results we were able to achieve. The customer feedback and reviews for the new Parker Series have been remarkable. We are now excited for everyone to experience the difference the Marten Isolators make with the Coltrane and Mingus Series. Incredible speakers, incredible products, and an amazing team. We feel privileged to be part of this project.”

We’re really happy with this collaboration. As well as being an engaging process, the end result has helped bring our products closer to Leif’s vision.

Parker Trio Diamond Edition review in Stereophile

“…Parker Trio Diamond rivals significantly pricier floorstanders from Göbel, Magico, and Tidal…”

The industry reviews keep rolling in. Our Parker series is make some headway this year and things are looking very positive with this review of Parker Trio Diamond Edition.

“…Parker Trio Diamond Edition is one of the best-sounding full-range loudspeakers I have auditioned in my room…”

Thanks to John Atkinson of Stereophile magazine for giving us his kind attention.


Read the full review

Parker Duo review in Pursuit Perfect System

Another fantastic review, this time for Parker Duo. A huge thank you to Terry Ellis of Pursuit Perfect System for his enthusiasm and kind words.

Read the full review

“Beautifully, gracefully accurate. Gently, brutally honest. Musical, endlessly enjoyable”

“In a lot of ways, they are the best speakers I have reviewed to date full stop. That includes all the floor standing speakers too…”

“There was just a certain energy and a certain verve and a certain life to music that really stood out….”

Oscar Duo review in Pursuit Perfect System

Thank you to Terry Ellis of Pursuit Perfect System for his review of Oscar Duo

(Jump to the end of this post for video review)

“[Oscar Duo] have the ability to fill the room with sound but its organised and with precise stereo imaging”

“They have just got a very full and full bodied sound and easily do room filling bass like you would expect from much bigger speakers.”

“The amount of bass the Oscar Duo created in my room was laws of physics defying…”

“[Oscar Duo] smashed my expectations of what a speaker of this type can do but at the same time I didn’t feel like I had them setup to their absolute best.”

Full review here

Oscar Trio review in Part-time Audiophile

Thanks to Dave McNair of Part-time Audiophile for words that we can hardly match. Read some of them below or jump to the full review for a deep-dive.

“Ultimately I just want things to sound good. The Oscar Trios sounded amazing.”

“I found the sound of these speakers to have a uniquely classy quality: they are precise, clean and fast, but with a richness and ability to portray tonal complexity in recordings that is something more than just accurate. “

“I could easily hear the result of this extraordinary tech trickle-down and boundary-pushing in the Marten Oscar Trio…”

“Those babies went deep with a size and authority I’ve only heard before in mega-buck, carefully set up systems.”

“As far as value, one thing is definite: I only know of a handful of speaker systems anywhere near their price that offers worthy competition. Find a dealer. Arrange for a safe demo. You won’t be sorry. Highly recommended.”

Full review here