Oscar Duo review in Pursuit Perfect System

Thank you to Terry Ellis of Pursuit Perfect System for his review of Oscar Duo

(Jump to the end of this post for video review)

“[Oscar Duo] have the ability to fill the room with sound but its organised and with precise stereo imaging”

“They have just got a very full and full bodied sound and easily do room filling bass like you would expect from much bigger speakers.”

“The amount of bass the Oscar Duo created in my room was laws of physics defying…”

“[Oscar Duo] smashed my expectations of what a speaker of this type can do but at the same time I didn’t feel like I had them setup to their absolute best.”

Full review here

Oscar Trio review in Part-time Audiophile

Thanks to Dave McNair of Part-time Audiophile for words that we can hardly match. Read some of them below or jump to the full review for a deep-dive.

“Ultimately I just want things to sound good. The Oscar Trios sounded amazing.”

“I found the sound of these speakers to have a uniquely classy quality: they are precise, clean and fast, but with a richness and ability to portray tonal complexity in recordings that is something more than just accurate. “

“I could easily hear the result of this extraordinary tech trickle-down and boundary-pushing in the Marten Oscar Trio…”

“Those babies went deep with a size and authority I’ve only heard before in mega-buck, carefully set up systems.”

“As far as value, one thing is definite: I only know of a handful of speaker systems anywhere near their price that offers worthy competition. Find a dealer. Arrange for a safe demo. You won’t be sorry. Highly recommended.”

Full review here

Oscar Duo review in Part-time Audiophile

This may be the year of Oscar.  The series had a very good response in 2020 and that shows no signs of abating. This month, Oscar Duo has been reviewed by Marc Phillips of Part-time Audiophile.

Here are some of the great things he had to say:

“The Marten Oscar Duos might just possess the best imaging I’ve heard in a long time, no joke.”

“My first impression was wow, these do sound like big panel speakers, nice and open and lightning-quick.”

“… you’re definitely getting a small monitor that sounds much larger than it is, but the world-class imaging and soundstaging takes the Duos to another level.”

“Quickness, superb bass response and incredible soundstaging add up to much of the Duo’s essence…”

Full review here